Clyne has a very active Ladies Section with over 60 lady members.
The Ladies weekly competitions are played on two days, a Tuesday and also a Saturday, to accommodate lady members that work.
Working Ladies are an integral part of the Ladies Section and Saturdays have reserved tee times for the ladies. A roll up nine hole fun weekly diddly is held on a Tuesday morning over the winter period for those brave enough to take on the Welsh winter weather and it is inspiringly well subscribed.
The Ladies Committee organises the golf seasons competition schedule. A mix of fun and competition golf is planned.
There are both handicap qualifying competitions and nonqualifying competitions. Competitions where the winners will represent Clyne in interclub competitions are popular and knockout competitions for Clyne GC trophies encourage both low and high handicap golfers to enter. There are also nine hole maintenance handicap qualifying competitions.
The Ladies section and Senior ladies section provide an opportunity to play other clubs and are proactive in organising interclub friendly matches with other golf clubs in the local area.
Clyne Ladies section compete in the annual Ladies Welsh Team Championships and this season are fielding two teams in the Glamorgan & Monmouthshire Ladies County League. The 1st team play mainly on the weekend to ensure that lower handicap working ladies are available to represent the club. The 2nd team matches are a mix of week days and weekend to accommodate the busy competition calendar.